Hatchlands Park (National Trust), Surrey

A Good Friday day out. There was a big house (closed), fairies to search for in the woods (that also inspired my dear god-daughter to try out flying for herself), bluebells (my second attempt at shooting them and again I had trouble doing them justice), a nice chilled-out picnic and a bit of walking withContinue reading “Hatchlands Park (National Trust), Surrey”

What a difference a year makes?

Not so much… When I looked up photos from our getaway at the same time last year, I was reminded that it rained a lot then, too. The floods are much worse this year however and some family/friends are affected by them. Sympathies to everyone having to cope with this seemingly endless spate of storms and rain.

On getting away

Last weekend we had change of scenery for a couple of days (it even stopped raining for one of them). We chose a beautiful stately home-with-chapel type hotel, full of long corridors peppered with small round stained glass windows, many staircases and little nooks. Quite something. I took the DSLR but only shot with theContinue reading “On getting away”