Weekly Photo Challenge: Delta

via Photo Challenge: Delta London’s skyline, in a constant state of flux; never without towering cranes tearing something down or building something new. Shot on Fuji X100T with the B&W + red filter film simulation. Tweaked in Lightroom. 23mm | 1/1800 sec | f/5.6 | ISO 400

Photo 101 [2016] Day 18: Edge

Day 18 has an Edge to it… Today, show us an edge — a straight line, a narrow ridge, a precipice. I was thinking ‘water’s edge’ for this one… This was taken from the Millennium Bridge near the south bank looking towards the City of London. The buildings go right up to the edge ofContinue reading “Photo 101 [2016] Day 18: Edge”

Kevin Mullins street photography workshop

Kevin Mullins is an award-winning wedding and documentary photographer. He shoots only with Fuji X-series cameras, which allow him to record events quietly and authentically. You can check out his work here on his website. Luckily for me, he also runs photography workshops. I took part in one a couple of weeks ago. It wasContinue reading “Kevin Mullins street photography workshop”

Photo 101 [2016] Day 5: Solitude

We’re excited about today’s theme, solitude. In addition to thinking about what it means to you, also consider the placement of the subject in your shot. How can you interpret the state of being alone, or a lonely and uninhabited place? By lucky coincidence, today I had a day off of work to take partContinue reading “Photo 101 [2016] Day 5: Solitude”

Photo 101 [2016] Day 3: Water

The theme for day 3 is Water. We have different relationships to and stories about water: how it has saved or defeated us. How it reminds us of family vacations, outdoor adventures, or the hot summers of our childhood. How it might symbolize a place we’ve left behind, or a location we dream to go. StrangelyContinue reading “Photo 101 [2016] Day 3: Water”

Weekly Photo Challenge: State of Mind

This week’s photo challenge is State of Mind. It was a work day in London. I escaped the office at lunch time and went for a walk in the city with my camera. I took the tube (so I could get further from the office than usual) and had a long walk back to clear myContinue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: State of Mind”

Visit to St Paul’s Cathedral

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to visit St Paul’s Cathedral in London… with my camera! Photography is usually forbidden there but during the course of the summer they held 3 ‘photography allowed’ days. As I work fairly close by, I took a morning off and went along. I had never been inside theContinue reading “Visit to St Paul’s Cathedral”

Weekly Photo Challenge: Door

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Door.” This was taken on the City of London Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk last year. I like how the different reds clash with each other and that the doorway is set back from the pavement, drawing the viewer into the shadows. Shot on DSLR with the kitContinue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: Door”

Some images from my Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2014

A couple of weeks ago I took part in the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2014, along with over 20,000 people around the world! This one was especially cool as I had been to the Scott Kelby ‘Shoot Like a Pro’ seminar the previous day in Westminster, which was a great day. Always good to haveContinue reading “Some images from my Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2014”