That was the year that was 2023

2023, the year of re-integration! It definitely felt more “normal” to me, whatever that means. The end to the Covid-19 public health emergency was declared by the World Health Organisation in May 2023. The following is a sampling of what I got up to over the year. Here are some of my highlights of theContinue reading “That was the year that was 2023”

That was the year that was 2022

Also known as the world’s unprecedented third attempt at 2020. We almost got back to some semblance of “normal” (whatever that is) this year. Not quite, but definitely feeling less restricted and taking tentative social steps again. Here’s a summary of the year, in bullet point form. Again, no new year’s resolutions for me. IContinue reading “That was the year that was 2022”

That was the year that was 2021

We are almost half way through February and it has taken me way too long to complete this post! Somewhat belatedly, for tradition’s sake, I’d like to wrap up 2021. For me, the year was dominated by the continuing Covid-19 global pandemic. To remind myself that other stuff happened too, I have returned to myContinue reading “That was the year that was 2021”

That was the year that was 2020

What can I say about 2020 that hasn’t been said many (too many?) times already? Although it wasn’t 2020’s fault, the year was somewhat dominated by the Coronavirus global pandemic. The effects seeped into everyone’s lives, curbing in-person interaction and many things previously considered normal. Even if not directly affectedly by the virus, many ofContinue reading “That was the year that was 2020”

That was the year that was 2019

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade! These annual summary posts are useful for me because they help me to remember what has gone on (time seems to pass so speedily) and think about my aims for the year ahead. Having left my job in London late 2018, 2019 was a year of introspection andContinue reading “That was the year that was 2019”

That was the year that was 2018

Only slightly later than planned, here is my wrap-up post for the year just ended. All-in-all, a good year, especially considering these strange times we are living in, even though it seems to have been a busy one. Again! I always enjoy writing these summary-type posts, because they help me recall and reflect on happeningsContinue reading “That was the year that was 2018”

That was the year that was 2017

We’re now into the third month of 2018, so I’m a bit late in posting my 2017 wrap-up! It’s a reflection of what life has been like, lately – it’s been a blur of preoccupation with the day job with an added sprinkling of winter illness. However, I like writing these posts, because they helpContinue reading “That was the year that was 2017”

That was the year that was 2016

Time to reflect on another year gone by! Unfortunately for me, I felt my day job dominate life too much in 2016, so it’s been great to look back and have a think about other stuff that happened. I finally joined 500px. Something I had been meaning to do for a long time but didn’tContinue reading “That was the year that was 2016”

That was the year that was 2015

In some ways it flew by, in others it seems a long time since we were last welcoming in a new year. Regardless, it’s the start of 2016 and a good opportunity to review what happened in 2015. Let the bullet points commence!: We grew some of our own vegetables (peas, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, rocket, tomatoes, peppers, runner beans), with varying degreesContinue reading “That was the year that was 2015”

That was the year that was 2014

It’s almost the end of another year, and like a lot of people I like to take the opportunity to look back at what has happened over the past year. I’m a fan of lists and bullet points, so here goes: I started this blog! We moved to the countryside from the outskirts of London TheContinue reading “That was the year that was 2014”