Low Tide Sunrise at West Pier

In August 2019, I joined some like-minded photographers in photographing Brighton’s derelict West Pier at sunrise during low tide. I managed to not ignore my very early alarm and set off from home in darkness. As I drove through Lewes (about 8 miles east of Brighton) the sky was starting to show beautiful pinks, whichContinue reading “Low Tide Sunrise at West Pier”

BPG 52 Week Challenge: Action

Continuing the weekly challenges for the Brighton Photographers Group on Facebook. The rules are simple, one image per theme (unless otherwise stated) and ideally shot the same week as the theme (ie no submitting from archives). I fell behind with this challenge as I got stumped on it. However, while in Brighton, shooting something else,Continue reading “BPG 52 Week Challenge: Action”

BPG 52 Week Challenge: Architecture

Continuing the weekly challenges for the Brighton Photographers Group on Facebook. The rules are simple, one image per theme (unless otherwise stated) and ideally shot the same week as the theme (ie no submitting from archives). The hottest day of the year (so far, in the UK) found me in Brighton. The sun was soContinue reading “BPG 52 Week Challenge: Architecture”

Kevin Mullins street photography workshop | Brighton

Kevin Mullins is an award-winning wedding and documentary photographer. He shoots with Fuji X-series cameras, which allow him to record events quietly and authentically. You can check out his website here. He also runs photography workshops. I first took part in one about three years ago, in London (read about it here).  I had wantedContinue reading “Kevin Mullins street photography workshop | Brighton”

BPG 52 Week Challenge: Black & White

Continuing the weekly challenges for the Brighton Photographers Group on Facebook. The rules are simple, one image per theme (unless otherwise stated) and ideally shot the same week as the theme (ie no submitting from archives). This week’s theme is “Black & White”, one of the more open prompts. We’ve had some glorious weather inContinue reading “BPG 52 Week Challenge: Black & White”

BPG 52 Week Challenge: Abandoned

Continuing the weekly challenges for the Brighton Photographers Group on Facebook. The rules are simple, one image per theme (unless otherwise stated) and ideally shot the same week as the theme (ie no submitting from archives). This week’s theme is “Abandoned”. I don’t think this is the best response, however I had something in mindContinue reading “BPG 52 Week Challenge: Abandoned”

My Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2018

Last week I took part in the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2018, the 11th year of the photowalk and my 7th year of taking part. It’s great to know that you’re walking on the same day as thousands of photographers around the world! Once again, I returned to the seaside city of Brighton and joinedContinue reading “My Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2018”

Weekly Photo Challenge: Unlikely

via Weekly Photo Challenge After the long winter and late Spring, what were the chances of our early May Bank Holiday being the hottest on record? Taken at Brighton Beach, on the UK’s early May Bank Holiday. West Pier in the background. Shot on Fuji X100T with the Classic Chrome film simulation. Further tweaks inContinue reading “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unlikely”

My Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2017

Earlier this month I took part in the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2017. This was the 10th occurence of the annual walk and my 6th year of participating. I understand there were over 21,000 people taking part in almost 1,000 walks around the world! This year, I returned to the seaside city of Brighton and joined aContinue reading “My Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2017”